Friday, September 16, 2011


Why is it that people ( myself included) do the things we do? I mean why, for instance, do we tear down others and their ideas? Maybe idea isn't the correct word...dream might fit better but then it isn't necessarily a dream it may just be a thought. Why must we point out the negative and minimize the positives?or compliment and then say but or don't you think this would be better? why not just say you look nice or that sounds like a fun idea? why add in but we really need to get you a hair cut or you glasses are crooked or but wouldn't it be dangerous to do it why not do this...?are we all such Eeyore's that we can't ever be Pollyanna? why is it that people can't see the beauty in things but always see the ugly or the bad in things? There is I dare say more things of beauty, goodness, and positive out there than we ( any of us) are seeing and commenting on. why is it that lately I want my soundtrack to be more of the hard angry stuff than the happy upbeat stuff? That might be strong again there hard angry is probably a bit darker than I want but lets just say I am leaning more toward the def leppard and not the Il Divo songs lately. I need to change my soundtrack to something upbeat and motivating but how? Maybe Pollyanna was right. Maybe all I need to do is play the "glad game" and find the beauty and the positive around me and share it with others. Maybe by forcing myself to find it I will start seeing it more easily and it will uplift me and my soundtrack and maybe...just maybe it will help someone else to do the same.The challenge will be to be sincere and honest and not a hypocrite as I find the silver lining the rainbows and the happy flowers of life. This is my challenge to myself this week: to find the good , the happy, the positive out there and share it with others.


FranE said...

You just think I'm not watching. Hugs.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

So did you do it? My positive is that when we move we will be on the East side and therefore way closer to you and being able to meet for fun days off. Love you, bright girl! And just say no to Def Lepard! Go for Brandon Flowers ;) Up lifting rock :D