Wednesday, March 09, 2011

slice of life "First Aid" 2

So here I am for the second time in as many days when I haven't posted twice in a month in months! I guess Texasblu really got my writing juices flowing with this topic!
This story takes place in Singapore when I was about 6 years old. I love my brother and back then I worshipped him. He is 7 years older than I am and I adored anytime he would spend with me. So one day we go for a bike ride on one dirt bike. Me sitting on the handle bars him peddling. Everything is going well for what, in my memory, seems like hours but I am sure it is really more like 10 minutes or so, when my brother reminds me to not look down or put my feet in the what do I do? I looked down as I put my feet into the tire. The bike flipped we went flying. don't remember anything more than road rash and scraps as a result for either of us but by then I think both of our heads had given up on concussions and just developed cushioning on the inside and helmets on the outside. I believe when we went home it was a good washing and alcohol or iodine on the cuts. The next case of road rash was also in Singapore courtesy of a friends bike with two flat tires. We were biking from her house to mine to get my bike. I was on her sisters bike with the two flat tires all was going well when a BIG lorrie ( TRUCK) came barrelling down the road so I swerved off the road onto the gravel side and the bike didn't like that at all so down it and I went. I barely got my leg out of the road before the truck went roaring on down the road past me. I was very glad the only injury was a bad case of road rash on my leg and half my face! Soap water and Iodine to the rescue again!
Once again this is a "Slice of Life" post


FranE said...

You and your siblings sound like quite a group. Did your mom down a bottle of aspirin a day?
Thanks for sharing.

Pirate Princess said...

LOL Mom - that's funny!

Imagine what would have happened if you hadn't gotten your leg moved just in time!