Saturday, January 16, 2010

award...promised post

ok here is the deal...I made a promise so I am doing this tonight! Luv ya TexasBlu! I received this award from TexasBlu...The recipient of said award must list 10 things that makes them happy. In no particular order as trying to order them would be more difficult than thinking of them was.
1. Sunshine and azure blue skies butterflies fluttering
2. Happy flowers...the ones that bloom at odd or unexpected times...bring a little brightness and a smile to me.
3. friends who remember friends who forget ;)
4. helping someone to have a good or better day
5. my job....I love what I do even if it is stressful right now and sometimes I forget to "have fun" doing it I do love it and the people I work with.
6. my puppy and the add on pups they are so loving and fun.
7. baking
8. reading a good book
9. music...there are specific songs that do more than others for me depending on the moment and what I need... like "somewhere over the rainbow", "the Battle hymn of the republic" "Step That step" "pour some Sugar on Me" various others including all types and time periods. Music makes me happy. :)
10. spending time doing something with a friend and that isn't limited to physically being in the same place it can be that we are separated by thousands of miles but are "together" doing something and conversing about it or life. love cell phone and internet chat for this reason being together without being together.
Supposed to pass this on to ten others...sadly not sure who still reads this who hasn't already done this... so some ideas... Joy, tanya, carla, teresa, andrew, of you I think already have been tagged to do this if not and you want to please be my guest. if you don't have a blog FB...


Pirate Princess said...

You have some really lovely thoughts here!! Thank you for accepting. :D

♥♥♥ ya!

FranE said...

Glad to see my family sharing.
Sweet thoughts.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Good to see you posting again ;)
I've missed these updates on your life. By the way, I'm sorry about your egg explosion but I wish you'd caught it on tape too. Just so you could have won Funniest Home Videos and been on your way to being more financially free ;)
And of course so we could have a good laugh after it didn't upset you anymore. lol. Hugz!

Anonymous said...

Those are very happy making :)
Sounds like you have good taste.