Monday, June 29, 2009

Catching up

Lots has been happening...too much to go into many details so quickly...
WORK: was a little sad after CP quit ( and a lot stressful) but things have settled down into a somewhat normal pattern again. Not as much fun in the kitchen there are no flying objects or water balloons but we all basically work well together so it is pleasant with a dash or two of fun thrown in. I got a promotion of sorts and a corresponding pay raise. I now work as a line cook and as a dishwasher. On a couple of days I go in and work only the line with another dishwasher being there.
HEALTH: had a scare a few weeks ago and thought I was developing pneumonia again but it ended up being allergy induced bronchitis. Saw my weight loss surgeon a few weeks ago and had lost another 7 1/2 lbs! glad we got over the hump and I am losing again the last pounds have been a booger to get off.
PERSONAL: I am moving. The Apartment was just too expensive to continue living there even though it's proximity to work and all was nice and did add years to my cars life I just needed to find some where cheaper. I am moving north a little bit to Willis. CP has a room he rents out and was available for me to so I am in the process of moving my things up to his place and in the process we are doing home improvement stuff. We have installed a new bathroom sink and cabinet ( I have pictures will do a picture post later), carpet cleaning, drape and blind cleaning, we got a new propane grill, are in the process of repairing a living room wall, painting the bathroom, got a new thermostat, and have done various lawn mower repairs. The lawn mower deserves some special attention. The repairs and getting the parts to repair were not all that exciting or challenging but finding the missing screw was a fun 2 hour adventure to many home repair/automotive stores and in the end we ended up finding a screw at home to use.
Right now I am sitting under our new canopy in our new chairs listening to the birds and nature and music from CP's playlist while CP reads the dogs chase squirrels and sleep at our feet. It is very relaxing and pleasant. The Brisket is slowly cooking and though it is still hot in south Texas I am loving being outside enjoying the shade and occasional breeze.
For fun and to celebrate CP's birthday we drove over to Fiesta Texas and I can now say that in the past 5 months I have been on more rides than in the previous 35 years added together! I managed to do most of the rides without incident . I did get over heated and had to sit out one ride but once I got cooled off and re-hydrated I was able to go on that ride with CP. I have a few pictures and one video from that day I will post on the photo post later. ( oh by later I mean like Thursday I doubt I will get to it today)


Anonymous said...

Cool. :) I'm glad things are working out at work and you got that deserved promotion.
That does sound peaceful. I do miss lazy afternoons. I can almost smell it. Enjoy many of those afternoons for me. It's just not the same in dry heat and no shade. lol

Pirate Princess said...

Redbeard asked me if I'd do rides again. I dunno... think maybe I'm too paranoid in my midlife years. I can't imagine going on that many rides!

Hope this arrangement works better than the last time. No more sleeping on an air mattress *waves finger*.

And glad your scare turned out to be not much. :)

luv ya!

FranE said...

like your blog look, and keep me up on the "happenings"

Little Miss Sunshine said...

So when are we going to get to see those pics!?
Thanks for visiting my blog, hugz