Thursday, June 24, 2010

this and that, gardens and limbs....

Lots has been going on but then again not much happening...☺

we had a salt garden growing for a few days..remember growing those as kids?

we have a visitor for a couple of weeks. We are watching Skipper for CP's aunt while she is away.

My garden hasn't produce the way I had hoped it would but my watermelon and squash both have blooms so there is hope yet...☺

oh and I woke up yesterday mornign at 3:30 to find this in my bedroom:

yup that is a tree limb that decided to spear the roof and ceiling in my room. It was about 2 feet off of my bed... it is tarped and awaiting the final repairs now...


Anonymous said...

Not mch and lots sounds like life. :)
I think the roof needed a sky light... it adds something;)
Hope it gets fixed soon.
Also, I hope your square and melons go well. We've planted twice now and all that came up is corn and radishes..and now something is eating them... REALLY!

FranE said...

Well you tell how much I have been getting around. I love you salt crystals. How fun. So sorry about your plants though. You have been blessed by your efforts. The tree could have not happened, but you didn't get smashed so it was a good thing. Hugs.